
  The Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival (BRJFF), proudly presented by the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC (Levis JCC), announces this year’s top winners for Best Narrative, Best Documentary, Best Short and overall “Best of the Fest.” Attracting over 3,000 attendees, Boca Raton’s...

This Spring, unleash your inner warrior god/dess during Full Moon Yoga and Morning Yoga at The Seagate Beach Club in Delray Beach. The intimate oceanfront destination offers weekly and monthly yoga classes on its private golden beach along with postcard views of the Atlantic Ocean and bottomless inner peace. Full Moon Yoga April...

Spring into summer during Sunset Stroll at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens on Thursday, April 18, from 5:30–8pm. Enjoy a spectacular twilight procession through the Roji-en: Garden of the Drops of Dew, and explore the peaceful Yamato-kan, the Morikami’s original museum, during the annual after-hours event series. Highlights will include...

“Hapa,” a Hawaiian word meaning “half,” refers to anyone who self-identifies as part Asian or Pacific Islander. In 2001, American artist and photographer Kip Fulbeck launched The Hapa Project to put human faces, on this international community, and call attention to the millions of hapa who call the United States...

The Boca West Children’s Foundation (BWCF) collected more than 300,000 diapers for The Diaper Bank, Covering South Florida, during its Ninth Annual Diaper Drive, which just concluded, surpassing last year’s record of 280,000. In addition to record-setting support from Boca West members, a number of groups...

Enjoy a warm Spring welcome when you vacation at The Seagate Hotel & Spa. The iconic Delray Beach gem is currently offering two sumptuous resort-cations for sun worshippers and golf lovers alike.   Keep your toes in the sand a little longer when you book the Beachside Escape package. Receive a...